Scope 2017

The PhD Development Conference 2017 gives PhD-students the opportunity to gain knowledge on;

  • Future perspectives of healthcare;
  • What can we learn from previous changes?;
  • How can we contribute to tomorrow’s healthcare by writing history ourselves?

The PhD Development Conference focuses on discovering your strengths and talents and guides you in creating (y)our future.

Core values & strengths

Increasing the awareness of your strengths, values and talents will help you find your way towards your future career. This could either be as a medical doctor, in academia, business or policy.

Growth & Development

During your PhD you face many challenges. Dealing with these challenges is a personal matter and can be quite a burden sometimes. The PhD Development Conference offers you the opportunity to profile yourself, develop your strengths and deal with your weaknesses.

Explore your options

We pursue only one of so many careers. Which career and the way to follow is unique for every single one of us. Therefore, the first step in creating your future is becoming aware that you are in control. The PhD Development Conference will help to create your future by giving insight into many different careers.
